Last few days I had a chance to learn a new scripting language- Python.
I installed python 3.4.1 on windows, as well as a free IDE called "Eric" from
After learning some basics of Python for couple of hours, I started working on an assignment which is to do a selective file copy from a source and save it to a desired destination.
Problem is something like following:
We have certain files in a remote machine, that we need to download daily. These files are build files created every night by the build server. Files are saved in the disk based on the development branch that is specified in build definition.A main directory is created with a build number, then inside the directory, several other sub directories are created for different products
We are tasked with getting the latest build from the server each following morning. A DOS based batch script has been used for this purpose, and I thought of re-writing same with this new scripting language Python
The process that I constructed to achieve this as follows:
1. Sort main level directories based on the date they are created. This way we can find out the latest added directory- which also carries the latest build number
2. Select the latest directory
3. Select what sub directories to be copied (products)
4. Copy the required files and folders to the destination
5. Exception handling
6. Logging
7. Notify member by e-mail
Several different Python commands, modules are required for this tasks to accomplish
First I had to import following libraries
import os,smtplib,subprocess
source is the path to the main directories. Ex: source=r'\\tfs-file-01\\Builds\\BranchXXX'
Next. the list is in arbitrary order. So I had to sort the list based on the date/time. Following can be used for the purpose
Or we can sort the list by using sorted()command
dir_namelist=sorted(dir_namelist, reverse=True)
This will sort the list in descending order.
"os.stat". "os.path.join() are methods from "os" library
To get the latest, I used following command
index=len(dir_namelist) gets the length of the list
or simply mydir=dir_namelist[0]
"mydir" is actually the main directory name that we are targeting(ex:50041)
To copy the files, I used copytree() method in shutil library.
shutil.copytree(CS, dest_cs, symlinks=False, ignore=None, ignore_dangling_symlinks=False)
or robocopy in windows:"robocopy /S %s %s" %source, destination)
CopyTree() recursively copy an entire directory tree rooted at source.
To log certain activity, I write to a txt file using file.write() method
logfile=open(basedir+"\\"+"log.txt", "a") . file is created with mode=a which is to "append" content to the file
To send email, smtplib library is used
sender = ''
receiver = ''
message="""From: Auto Builder <>
To: Build downloader <>
Subject:your subject
This is an automatically generated e-mail. Do not reply
E-mail can be sent using following methods
smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('')
smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receiver, message)
The complete script looks like following
I installed python 3.4.1 on windows, as well as a free IDE called "Eric" from
After learning some basics of Python for couple of hours, I started working on an assignment which is to do a selective file copy from a source and save it to a desired destination.
Problem is something like following:
We have certain files in a remote machine, that we need to download daily. These files are build files created every night by the build server. Files are saved in the disk based on the development branch that is specified in build definition.A main directory is created with a build number, then inside the directory, several other sub directories are created for different products
We are tasked with getting the latest build from the server each following morning. A DOS based batch script has been used for this purpose, and I thought of re-writing same with this new scripting language Python
The process that I constructed to achieve this as follows:
1. Sort main level directories based on the date they are created. This way we can find out the latest added directory- which also carries the latest build number
2. Select the latest directory
3. Select what sub directories to be copied (products)
4. Copy the required files and folders to the destination
5. Exception handling
6. Logging
7. Notify member by e-mail
Several different Python commands, modules are required for this tasks to accomplish
First I had to import following libraries
import os,smtplib,subprocess
With library "os", I could use listdir() method which returns a list containing the names of the entries in the directory given by path. So this command created me a list having main directory names("50041","50042","50043" etc) as list items
dir_namelist.sort(key=lambda x: os.stat(os.path.join(source, x)).st_ctime)
dir_namelist=os.listdir(source)dir_namelist.sort(key=lambda x: os.stat(os.path.join(source, x)).st_ctime)
source is the path to the main directories. Ex: source=r'\\tfs-file-01\\Builds\\BranchXXX'
Next. the list is in arbitrary order. So I had to sort the list based on the date/time. Following can be used for the purpose
Or we can sort the list by using sorted()command
dir_namelist=sorted(dir_namelist, reverse=True)
This will sort the list in descending order.
"os.stat". "os.path.join() are methods from "os" library
To get the latest, I used following command
index=len(dir_namelist) gets the length of the list
or simply mydir=dir_namelist[0]
"mydir" is actually the main directory name that we are targeting(ex:50041)
To copy the files, I used copytree() method in shutil library.
shutil.copytree(CS, dest_cs, symlinks=False, ignore=None, ignore_dangling_symlinks=False)
or robocopy in windows:"robocopy /S %s %s" %source, destination)
CopyTree() recursively copy an entire directory tree rooted at source.
To log certain activity, I write to a txt file using file.write() method
logfile=open(basedir+"\\"+"log.txt", "a") . file is created with mode=a which is to "append" content to the file
To send email, smtplib library is used
sender = ''
receiver = ''
message="""From: Auto Builder <>
To: Build downloader <>
Subject:your subject
This is an automatically generated e-mail. Do not reply
E-mail can be sent using following methods
smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('')
smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receiver, message)
The complete script looks like following
import os , smtplib, subprocess
#define variables for source and destination flder paths
#Create a Pythn list to hold all the folder names avalable under the source
#Sort the list descending order
dir_namelist=sorted(dir_namelist, reverse=True)
#Getting the first list item which actualy represents the latest folder name available
#Constructing Path to the latest build available in the build server.
final_source=os.path.join(source, mydir)
basedir=os.path.join(destination, mydir)
class utilities:
#Define variables to hold email parameters
sender = ''
receiver = ''
def logging(self, logstr, b_dir, myd):
if os.path.exists(basedir):
logfile=open(basedir+"\\"+"log.txt", "a+")
if self.i==1:
logfile.write("Latest available successful build is " + mydir + "\n\n")
logfile.write("Files are copied to: " +basedir +"\n\n")
logfile.write("Following files copied:\n")
print("basedir is not available")
def sendmail(self, message):
smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP(self.SMTPServer)
smtpObj.sendmail(self.sender, self.receiver, message)
except Exception as e:
print("e-mail sending error occured: " + e)
def readlog(self, b_dir):
if os.path.exists(basedir):
log=open(basedir+"\\"+"log.txt", "r")
if os.stat(basedir+"\\"+"log.txt").st_size!=0:
return str(logstr)
return "empty log file"
def recursive(self):
final_source=os.path.join(source, myd)
b_dir=os.path.join(destination, myd)
main(myd, instfolder, b_dir, pCS, pSMweb, pSMwin)
#initiate an object from "helper" class
#e-mail messages
def m_success(b_dir, myd):
msgsuccess = "From: Auto Builder " + "\n" + \
"To: Build downloader " + "\n" + \
"Subject: " +mydir + " downloaded successfully." + "\n\n" + \
return (msgsuccess)
def m_notavail(myd):
msgnotavail="From: Auto Builder " + "\n" + \
"To: Build downloader <>" + "\n" + \
"Subject:" +mydir + " _Installer folder is not available. Retrying previous..." + "\n\n" + \
"This is a system generated e-mail. Do not reply"
return (msgnotavail)
def m_exists(myd):
msgexists="From: Auto Builder " + "\n" + \
"To: Build downloader <>" + "\n" + \
"Subject:" +mydir + " build already exists." + "\n\n" + \
"This is a system generated e-mail. Do not reply"
return (msgexists)
def m_initiated(myd):
msginitiated="From: Auto Builder " + "\n" + \
"To: Build downloader <>" + "\n" + \
"Subject:" +mydir + " build download started..." + "\n\n" + \
"This is a system generated e-mail. Do not reply"
return (msginitiated)
def m_retry(myd):
msgretry="From: Auto Builder " + "\n" + \
"To: Build downloader <>" + "\n" + \
"Subject:It seems that latest build folders are not available. retrying one before...\n\n" + \
"This is a system generated e-mail. Do not reply"
return (msgretry)
def main(myd, instfolder, b_dir, pCS, pSMweb, pSMwin):
if myd is not None and instfolder is not None and b_dir is not None :
if pCS is not None and pSMweb is not None and pSMwin is not None:
if not os.path.exists(installerfolder):
print("installer folder is not available for build "+ mydir)
help.sendmail (m_notavail(myd))
print ("Successfully sent email")
elif os.path.exists(basedir) :
print( mydir + " build already exists")
print ("Successfully sent email")
print("Latest available successful build is " + mydir)
#create the base directory
#create robocopy log file
open(basedir+"\\"+"robolog.txt", "w+")
#download CS
dest_cs=basedir + "\\cs"
if os.path.exists(installerfolder+"\\cs"):
print("CS build copy initiated...")"robocopy /S "+ CS+ " " + dest_cs + " /LOG+:" + basedir + "\\robolog.txt")
help.logging("- CS\n", b_dir, myd)
print("CS build copy completed")
help.logging("- CS files NOT found \n", b_dir, myd)
print("CS files NOT found")
#download Web
dest_web=basedir + "\\SM.web"
if os.path.exists(installerfolder+"\\SM.web"):
print("SM Web build copy initiated...")"robocopy /S "+ SMweb+ " " + dest_web + " /LOG+:" + basedir + "\\robolog.txt")
help.logging("- SM Web\n", b_dir, myd)
print("SM Web build copy competed")
help.logging("- SM.Web files NOT found\n", b_dir, myd)
print("SM.Web files NOT found")
#download win
dest_win=basedir + "\\"
if os.path.exists(installerfolder+"\\"):
print("SM Win build copy initiated...")"robocopy /S "+ SMwin+ " " + dest_win + " /LOG+:" + basedir + "\\robolog.txt")
help.logging("- SM Win\n", b_dir, myd)
print("SM Win build copy completed")
help.logging("- SM.Win files NOT found \n\n", b_dir, myd)
print("SM.Win files NOT found")
if flag==3:
print('It seems that latest build folders are not available. retrying one before...\n\n')
help.logging("It seems that latest build folders are not available. retrying one before...\n", b_dir, myd)
#sending mail
print ("Successfully sent email")
help.sendmail(m_success(b_dir,myd ))
except Exception as e:
#exception handling
print ("Error occured:" , e)
msgerr = "From: Auto Builder " + "\n" + \
"To: Build downloader <>" + "\n" + \
"Subject: " +str(e) + " : An error has occured." + "\n\n" + \
"This is a system generated e-mail. Do not reply"
help.logging(str(e), b_dir, myd)
#input("Press to exit")
if __name__=='__main__':
main(mydir, installerfolder, basedir, CS, SMweb, SMwin)
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